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  1. Sound the Alarm

    Sound the alarm is to awaken one to the reality of what lies before them in regards to ungodly ways that have infiltrated the land.

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  2. Freedom from Bondage

    Freedom from bondage is a liberating moment when one is released from a force, influence, or power that has dominated their life.

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  3. Erosion of Godly Values

    Erosion of godly values has escalated in these latter days with a desire to undermine the Word of God by a progressive social gospel that is taking root in our society.

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  4. God's Directions for Life

    God's Directions for Life website designed to help one identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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  5. Searching for the Truth

    Searching for the truth is needful in a time where it is more advantageous to conceal the truth for political or personal gain.

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  6. Timeless Messages

    Timeless messages that are seemingly endless in value. I have heard many messages ministered that I have never forgotten over the years and at times recalled to my mind..

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  7. Topics of Value

    Topics of value is a collection of God-inspired messages I did not want to delete simply because they entered into a different category.

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  8. Revival in the Word

    Revival in the Word was on the air for over 27 years on WJJM Radio. I am thankful to the Lord for the messages that have been laid upon my heart.

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  9. A Vessel of Deception

    A vessel of deception is prompted whenever there is a desire to promote an activity outside the norm; which would not otherwise be accepted.

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  10. Sodom and Gomorrah

    Sodom and Gomorrah represents any place notorious for depravity and its tentacles of encroachment extending to our present day despite God's warning against it.

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  11. Shall Reap the Whirlwind

    Shall reap the whirlwind category opens the door for the fierceness of the wrath of God toward nations who have drifted away from His righteousness.

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  12. Seeds of Corruption

    Seeds of corruption are being planted with a probe into the fertile ground of righteousness to offset any productive effort in that area.

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  13. The Growing Trend Today

    The growing trend today is to walk away from previous traits of the past with little recognition given towards their continued value.

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  14. Salvation of the Soul

    Salvation of the soul is receiving Christ as Lord and Savior with a joy and peace that cannot be compared with any other experience on earth.

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