Timeless messages are endless in value. I have heard many messages ministered that I have never forgotten over the years; they are of value and at times even recalled to my mind. These timeless messages, placed on this Webpage will be purged from time to time; out of necessity, but others will be added.
Job cried out: Oh, that my works were now written! Oh, that they were printed in a book (Job 19:23)! Job received his desire; as his words are forever embedded in the Scriptures. I have drawn many times from previous timeless messages of great men of God who have since passed on but their words have been recorded for others to benefit from.
History would have eventually died out; had it not been recorded for future generations. It is promised in God's Word that God's timeless message will endure forever: Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away (Matthew 24:35).
A DEGENERATE SOCIETY is one that deviates from the norms of yesteryear from a moral state into the progressive cultural drift of today....Read More
A LOST GENERATION is warned of in God's Word; which involves losing benefit of godly instruction, ceasing to exist, unable to recover. A generation gap is defined as difference between the view of the young and old.....Read More
AMERICA AT A CROSSROADS Is America at a crossroads in its relationship with God; or has it already entered the road that will bring God's judgmental stroke? Are we already seeing the results of God's taking away His protective hedge.....Read More
A PUPPET CHRISTIAN is one whose actions are controlled or influenced by another. We live in a world that often dictates the moral habits of others; with one's behavior being the direct result.....Read More
A TIME OF UNCERTAINTY can be ascertained on a global front with many perplexed as to what lies ahead in a troubled world, looking for man to be their savior, but overlooking the fact.....Read More
AVALANCHE OF UNGODLINESS In many countries, avalanche of ungodliness is of an overwhelming influence that has far surpassed the pre-Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, and fall of Babylon era which God had to deal with through destructive measures.....Read More
A WORLD OF INIQUITY begin with Adam and Eve, with its first recorded violence through Cain, continuing into the pre-Flood days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Babylon the hold of every foul spirit, to this day.....Read More
CLEANSING OF A NATION is imperative towards the spiritual and physical growth; with godly leadership if it is to function under God's umbrella of protection and blessings.....Read More
CONNECTION TO THE TRUTH is difficult in an age of deception that promotes the telling of a lie rather than the truth; with just enough truth intermixed to make it believable.....Read More
DECEPTION OF THE MEDIA is being utilized to dwarf acceptance of truth; to enhance a desired slant disguised as the truth. The media can make a person appear as a saint.....Read More
DELIVERANCE FROM UNGODLY INFLUENCE is a must in the times in which we live due to the flow of ungodliness increasing at an alarming rate.....Read More
DESTRUCTION OF THE WICKED is a biblical fact, illustrated many times in God's Word, with devastation becoming a reality unless repentance came into focus.....Read More
DISPLAY OF PRIDE AND ARROGANCE is a state of inordinate self-esteem, an unreasonable conceit of superiority in talent, beauty, wealth, and rank, among other traits.....Read More
ELEVATING EVIL AS GOOD is a trait that is as the pre-Flood days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Babylon the hold of every foul spirit. We are seeing advancement of what was proclaimed by the Prophet Isaiah; calling evil good and good evil.....Read More
EROSION OF GODLY VALUES has escalated in these latter days with a desire to undermine the Word of God with a social gospel that is taking root in our society. It was noted that any country grounded in Christian values.....Read More
FAMINE IN THE LAND is in hearing the words of the Lord. A problem exists in that many are walking in their own preconceived way rather than adhering to the Word of God.....Read More
GLIMMER OF HOPE is often all that one can perceive; with limitations imposed by circumstances roundabout an individual or nation. When one holds on to hope; intertwined with faith.....Read More
GLIMPSE OF HEAVEN A glimpse of heaven is given in God's Word in that it is a dwelling place of the Deity; place of everlasting abode of the righteous, and also referred to as Paradise. One man stated: Entrance into Heaven is not at the hour of death but at the moment of conversion to Christ.....Read More
GOD'S WATCHMAN are to sound the alarm and give warning of impending judgment; hopefully with repentance being the result, as that of Nineveh....Read More
HINDU CHAPLAIN LEADS PRAYER IN U. S. SENATE A Hindu Chaplain opened the U. S. Senate's morning session with prayer. The Hindu sect boasts a vast gallery of gods and goddesses.....Read More
HOLY GHOST AND POWER is not being sought after as in the great Holy Ghost revivals in the past; with spiritual awakenings taking place. God's Word reveals that the Holy Ghost (or God's Spirit) will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.....Read More
IDENTITY OF SODOM is overlapping into our modern day culture; mushrooming like a gigantic threatening cloud that lingers overhead; which in Sodom's case......Read More
ILLS OF OUR SOCIETY does not promote good health for a nation founded on the principles of a godly nature. The term denotes that which is not healthy, unsound, resulting in suffering and distress....Read More
INIQUITY SHALL ABOUND (LAWLESSNESS) is an absence of moral or spiritual values; morally objectionable behavior, lack of uprightness with an ungoverned appetite. It is also lawless disorder; defiance of the law, not subject or restrained by the law, entertaining civil disturbance and willful disobedience.....Read More
INSTANT GRATIFICATION has become the norm in our modernistic society. We live in a world that has been instantly materialized through modern day technology revealed by Daniel regarding end times.....Read More
JOY OF THE LORD is your strength, according to God's Word, with no greater blessing than to feel God's presence in the midst of trial or suffering...Read More
JUDGMENT OF GOD is administrated as a deterrent from continuation of ungodly avenues that separates one from God; with such action invoked on many once godly nations who have yielded over to ungodly influences that promote a withdrawal from God.....Read More
JUDGMENT OF THE WICKED is riding high in many lands as in the pre-Flood days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Babylon the hold of every foul spirit; all of which destruction is noted.....Read More
LOVE OF PLEASURE is an entrapment that has befallen many. Scripture reveals that in the
last days perilous times would come. Among the characteristics
mentioned is lovers of pleasures more than of God.....Read More
MARCH IN CADENCE is to do so in uniform time being resolute in purpose and willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to promote one's agenda....Read More
MERCY OF GOD is forgiveness and pardon of a merciful and gracious God towards sinful mankind; reflecting His pardoning grace, taking the sins of His people off them, through the shed blood of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ....Read More
MERCY OR WRATH concept is given throughout God's Word with a strong emphasis on mercy by a caring God. The forgiveness and pardon of a merciful and gracious God is based on the redemptive work of a Savior.....Read More
MINDSET OF THE WORLD has evolved into an escapism from God in the Western world. Mindset is one's mental attitude that determines how one interprets or responds. Oftentimes, one's mental attitude is affected by our electronic world which helps to introduce a worldly environment.....Read More
MYSTICAL BABYLON equates to modern day happenings as foretold in the Book of Revelations. The prophet Isaiah pronounced a heavy sentence on Babylon of his day; which will also be the destiny of mystical Babylon.....Read More
NATURE OF SIN is towards the appeasement of fleshly desires of man; alluring one into its deceptive nature by enhancing availability and hiding its real intent. There is a fleshpot of sin; as in the days of Noah prior to the Flood....Read More
NINEVEH TYPE REPENTANCE is needed for many once godly nations who have withdrawn from godly leadership and are being influenced by the ungodly; survivability depends on it.....Read More
OPPOSITION TO UNGODLY PERSUASION fails when one's focus on such agenda is with acceptance and participation rather than rejection. There is electronic availability to promote ungodliness....Read More
PEACE IN A TROUBLED WORLD entails a drawing near to a source that can only be provided from on High which is sadly being neglected. Peace is defined as freedom from disputes, the absence of mental stress or anxiety.....Read More
PLEASURE OF SIN has been placed into such a category through the dominance of ungodly individuals who promulgate filth and degradation then make it appear as acceptable.....Read More
POWER STRUGGLE OF TODAY entails a broad spectrum of injustice towards gained liberties of the past; with the dominating influence of ungodliness coming into focus. A warning is given to those who are participating in such an endeavor.....Read More
PRE-FLOOD DAYS OF NOAH In the pre-Flood days of Noah the descendants of Cain and Seth began to intermarry and there sprang up a race distinguished for their wickedness.....Read More
PROGRAMMING THE MIND is of upmost importance with that which will not lash back later in life. That which has been programmed in the mind will tarry; to be recalled long after one has divorced themselves from such influence....Read More
PROGRESSIVE CULTURAL DRIFT A progressive cultural drift is happening in many lands that once were under the influence of Almighty God but has allowed the dominating power of a progressive movement to intercede.....Read More
RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH is closer than one may think; with ongoing destructive measures being implemented which elevates Jesus' return for His Church! There is enlightenment towards.....Read More
RAVENING WOLVES can be equated to human behavior ready to pray on others by seeking opportunities to devour. There is a fortitude in those seeking power......Read More
RECEIVING THE MARK is much enhanced in the world today through modern day technology that appears as being beneficial but is only a prelude to what is warned against in God's Word.....Read More
REVIVAL IN THE CHURCH is necessary before it can be a spiritual influence to others; as a new cultural revolution attempts to dwarf its effectiveness, and successful in many instances.....Read More
RIGHTEOUSNESS EXALTS A NATION is a Biblical reminder to those who would neglect such a status and allow the seed of corruption and ungodliness to take root......Read More
SEARCHING FOR THE TRUTH is a needful in an age where it is more advantageous to conceal the truth for political or personal gain....Read More
SODOM AND GOMORRAH represents any place notorious for depravity with its tentacles of encroachment extending to our present day; despite God's warning against it....Read More
SPAWNING OF UNGODLINESS is becoming enhanced by the electronic age that has blossomed forth in these latter days towards instant social interaction, information, and entertainment.....Read More
SPIRIT OF PENTECOST is becoming overshadowed by a new generation of believers who have rejected the teachings of yesteryear. Teaching concerning the Holy Ghost (that of God's Spirit) has been both neglected and distorted....Read More
SPIRIT OF WISDOM attributes to a God-given ability to accomplish that which God desires for the good of mankind; with man taking such to enhance his own agenda....Read More
STRENGTH OF THE OPPRESSED is in recognition as to where the source originates; as we witness a withdrawal from the peaceful setting of previous years; to a evil noted in the pre-Flood days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Babylon....Read More
SWARM OF EVILS evading a once godly nation festers and grows; unless dealt with as in the case of Nineveh, becomes of a destructive nature bringing in the wrath of God.....Read More
THE ASSERTIVE WOMAN is aggressive in nature, opinionated in her forwardness, with an energetic pursuit towards desired results, often at the expense of others.....Read More
THE EMBRACING OF IMMORALITY is changing the makeup of nations of a godly nature that has now allowed immorality to surface and gain momentum....Read More
THE FRAILTY OF LIFE involves the makeup of man and his association with others; with frailty being physical, mental, or moral weakness of resolution.....Read More
THE LITTLE FOXES are alluded to in God's Word; as well as the cunning of the fox. In one place Jesus called King Herod "that fox!" The significance of the title of this message is revealed in a modern day setting.....Read More
THE RESTORING OF GODLINESS is a must to nations who have tasted the goodness of God but allowed the unfruitful works of ungodliness to surface with acceptability rather than rejection....Read More
THE TOOLS OF SATAN are ambiguous in nature in that they appear to be acceptable yet destructive and promoted by a computerized world to capture an audience that otherwise would be unattainable.....Read More
TUMBLEWEED EFFECT falls into a host of categories, religion being in that number, that can have devastating results, and be dangerous to the soul of man. The tumbleweed is a foreign invader.....Read More
UNGODLY LIFESTYLES OF TODAY have proved to be detrimental to nations who have walked away from godliness and have lifestyles condemned in God's Word.....Read More
UNITY OF THE CHURCH is important in a time that the forces of evil are gaining influence in the world with a migration towards ungodliness of man.....Read More
WORLD DOMINATION is an exercising of control to dominate; not just within a certain sphere, but global domination involving economic, military, and geopolitical areas of control.....Read More
YOUTH OF TODAY without Bible knowledge or conviction, can readily be influenced by an immoral society that targets such through indoctrination of ungodly lifestyles condemned in God's Word....Read More