W R Burner (Minister of the Gospel)


This Web page is about the author of God's Directions for Life Website. I am a licensed Minister with a radio ministry "Revival in the Word" for over 27 years.  I have served in various positions after yielding my life to the Lord Jesus Christ 43 years ago.

I have authored literature, as directed by God's Spirit, to help identify where the church is today in regards to God's Word.  I was later introduced  to the creation of this Website towards an audience otherwise unattainable.  I thank God, and His Spirit, for continued guidance in this endeavor and all who receive from this Website!

Author of God's Directions for Life
My Commitment

I grew up in a small town in southern Illinois.  I lost my mother at an early age and was placed in several foster homes.  I was introduced to church life at an early age but was not to make a total commitment to the Lord until I was 35 years of age. 

I fell totally in love with the God; and my Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ! I have had many instances in my life where my present age would not have been attained had it not been for the divine intervention of the Lord; as reflected in "Glimpse of One Life."

Servitude to the Lord

I served in the United States Navy for 20 years.  I am a Vietnam veteran; with numerous awards for services rendered in the military.  I was called into the ministry in 1983.  I am thankful for the opportunity to have served my country; as a member of the armed forces, but of even greater significance is servitude to my Lord and His calling upon my life!

What is Happening

I see a "falling away" of the church in many once godly nations; from their former commitment.  I see a foundation being laid that is in opposition to God's Unadulterated (Pure) Word.  I see a need to return to God;  more than ever before, with 2 Chronicles 7:14 being the key: 

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

I believe we  are encouraging the "Judgmental Side of God" to be unleashed; unless a return to our former commitment takes place. There has been an unleashing of ungodliness  that formulates such a need.  In regards to this Website; I am constantly seeking the guidance of God's Spirit towards what is placed in its contents, to coincide with the times in which we live.


  1. World Domination

    World domination is exercising of control to dominate; not just within a certain sphere but global domination involving economic, military, and geopolitical areas of control.

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  2. Timeless Messages

    Timeless messages that are seemingly endless in value. I have heard many messages ministered that I have never forgotten over the years and at times recalled to my mind..

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  3. The Ugliness of Sin

    The ugliness of sin has grown to pandemic proportions as it raises its ugly head of dominance and control in people's lives.

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  4. The Forces of Opposition

    The forces of opposition identifies a problem that is systematically stripping away a nation under God concept through acceptance and tolerance of ungodliness.

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  5. Nature of Sin

    Nature of sin is towards the appeasement of fleshly desires of man by luring one into its deceptive nature by hiding its real intent.

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  6. Judgment of the Wicked

    Judgment of the wicked is revealed in the pre-Flood days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Babylon the hold of every foul spirit.

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  7. Judgment of God

    Judgment of God is administrated as a deterrent towards continuation of ungodly avenues that separate one from God; with such invoked on nations and individuals.

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  8. Joy of the Lord

    Joy of the Lord is your strength, according to God's Word, with no greater blessing than to feel God's presence in the midst of a trial or suffering.

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  9. Is Sanity Surfacing Again

    Is sanity surfacing again is a question that should gain one's attention as we see a new horizon of hope towards the future, whereas before such hope had diminished.

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  10. Instant Gratification

    Instant gratification has become the norm in our present day society; in a world that has been nurtured through modern day technology.

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  11. Ills of Our Society

    The ills of our society does not promote good health for a nation founded on the principles of a godly nature.

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  12. Identity of Sodom

    Identity of Sodom is overlapping into our modern day culture; mushrooming like a gigantic threatening cloud that lingers overhead.

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  13. Festivities in Hour of Darkness

    Festivities in hour of darkness (sinfulness) is prevalent as one focuses on what is gratifying the soul rather than salvation of the soul.

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