God's Directions for Life Blog

God's Directions for Life blog is to help identify with the most recent changes to this Website.

Destiny of the Soul


Destiny of the soul is of extreme importance towards the final resting place of an individual after departure of rhe soul from its earthly body.

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Latest Weekly Audio Podcast


Latest Weekly Audio Podcast helps identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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Error of the Wicked


Error of the wicked is in walking away from the truth in an irregular course of action that is a deviation from justice or right.

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God's Directions for Life


God's Directions for Life website designed to help one identify with the Word of God concerning the economic, political, and religious times in which we live.

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A World of Iniquity


A world of iniquity begin with Adam and Eve, with its first recorded violence through Cain, and continues to this day./

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Timeless Messages


Timeless messages that are seemingly endless in value. I have heard many messages ministered that I have never forgotten over the years and at times recalled to my mind..

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Topics of Value


Topics of value is a collection of God-inspired messages I did not want to delete simply because they entered into a different category.

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Revival in the Word


Revival in the Word was on the air for over 27 years on WJJM Radio. I am thankful to the Lord for the messages that have been laid upon my heart.

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Opposition to Ungodly Persuasion


Opposition to ungodly persuasion fails when one's focus is on such agenda is with acceptance and participation rather than rejection.

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Avalanche of Ungodliness


Avalanche of ungodliness is an overwhelming influence that is likened to the pre-Flood days of Noah, Sodom and Gomorrah, and Babylon the hold of every foul spirit.

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America at a Crossroads


Is America at a crossroads, along with other nations, in relationship to God or have they already entered a road that will bring God's judgment?

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A Struggle for Freedom


A struggle for freedom is of a continuous nature due to an influx of those seeking power, control, and world domination.

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Day of the Lord


Day of the Lord will be a day of recognition of Almighty God and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ.

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A Repressive Regime


A repressive regime is in the making when an attempt is made to introduce Socialism and Marxism, cousins to Communism, which deny basic freedoms.

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A Pathway to Destruction


A pathway to destruction is an uncaring society consumed with its own self-interests; with a lack of familiarization of current events.

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A Puppet Christian


A Puppet Christian is one whose actions are controlled or influenced by another in a world that often dictates the moral habits of others.

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Revival in the Church


Revival in the church is necessary before it can be a spiritual influence to others; with a new cultural revolution attempting to dwarf its effectiveness.

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Deception of the Media

Deception-of-the- Media

Deception of the media is being utilized to dwarf acceptance of truth; to enhance a desired slant disguised as the truth.

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Living in a Fallen World


Living in a fallen world can be troublesome for the believer; especially when one takes a stand for righteousness.

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A Nation Without God


A nation without God on the surface may seem to prosper but is lost and desolate without God in a world that is seeing devastation at every hand..

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A Lost Generation


A lost generation is warned against in God's Word; which involves losing benefit of godly instruction, of ceasing to exist, or unable to recover.

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A Degenerate Society


A degenerate society is one that deviates from the norms of yesteryear; from a moral state into the moral drift of today.

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Fear of the Lord


Fear of the Lord is becoming increasingly overlooked by an ungodly environment that is being formulated by what has been foretold in God's Word.

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A Deceptive Spirit


A deceptive spirit is showing its ugly head as ungodly advances attempt to outweigh any godliness that prevails.

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A Day of Accountability


A Day of Accountability, a day of reckoning, is revealed throughout God's Word; with many living as in the pre-Flood days of Noah of being godless and unconcerned.

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