Hindu Chaplain leads prayer in the U. S. Senate in a morning session along with protesting against allowing it to happen! The Hindu sect is reported as the third largest religion in the world. It boasts a vast gallery of gods and goddesses and a Hindu prays to the deity to which they feel a personal connection. 

The opening of prayer in the U. S. Senate has been a Christian tradition. It was noted that Christian senators expressed approval of the event because it reflects the right to free speech in the government body. The Hindu Chaplain, a former India-native, expressed that despite philosophical differences, we should work together for the common objectives of human improvement, love, and respect for others.  

Hindu Chaplain Leads Prayer
in U. S. Senate

In 1789 an Episcopal Bishop was elected as the U. S. Senate's first Chaplain. During the past two hundred and seven years, all sessions of the U. S. Senate have had the invocation, strongly affirming the U. S. Senate's faith in God as Sovereign Lord of our Nation. The Chaplain position has went from a part-time to a full-time job as one of the officers of the Senate.

Chaplain duties include counseling and spiritual care for the Senators, their families and their staffs, a combined constituency of six thousand people. Normally, the U. S. Senate Chaplain gives the invocation, but it is not uncommon for senators to recommend guest chaplains from their home state to start the day. The guest Hindu Chaplain was not the first non-Christian to lead a Senate invocation; a Muslim became the first to do so in 1992.

A Shocking Event

One minister who spoke concerning the three Christian protesters who were arrested in the U. S. Senate said:  They tried to shout down the invocation by the guest Hindu chaplain; but had not planned to protest, but just happened to be in the public galley to lobby against a proposed hate crime legislation.

They recited the First Commandment that begins with, Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  It was a shocking event for all Christians, who for all of these years have honored the God of our Founding Fathers. It wasn't a group of Hindus, Buddhists, or Muslims that came here, it was Christians!

Is It a Trivial Thing

Scripture reveals that Ezekiel, a Prophet of God, was shown the abominations that were being committed at the temple in Jerusalem. Ezekiel was brought to the door of the gate of the Lord's house; and there set women weeping for Tammuz (a fertility god).

Then Ezekiel was brought to the inner court of the Lord's house, and at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, where about twenty men with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the east, were worshiping the sun toward the east.

The Lord asked Ezekiel: Have you seen this, O son of man? Is it a light (trivial) thing that they commit the abominations that they commit here (one could ask the same of the incident in the U. S. Senate) (Ezekiel 8:17).  

Abominations Being


Abominations are being committed with many not even realizing the implications for having done so! How can one offer up prayers when they do not believe in the God of our heritage?  The Hindu chaplain's remark that despite philosophical differences we should work together leaves one to wonder how; when the Hindu prays to the deity in which they feel a personal connection which does not include God Almighty!

The first of the Ten Commandments: You shall have no other gods before me (Exodus 20:3); teaches that no imagined deity is to rival the one true God, and demands an exclusive covenant relationship with God!  Scripture reveals: There shall be no strange (foreign) god be in you; neither shall you worship any strange god (Psalm 81:9).

Personally Witnessed


While in the military, serving in distant lands, I witnessed people worshiping false gods, looking to objects made with men's hands, expecting divine intervention; but in futility!  How can those who identify with Christianity not recognize such falseness?

It is a sad day, to witness acceptance of the previously unacceptable, when one does not stand uprightly for the God of our Creation!  Thank God for the three Christian protesters who stood their ground despite being ushered out!  There is a tendency to remain silent when one sees atrocities committed which opens the door for further enhancement!

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